DIY Lucky Charms Doormat

DIY Lucky Charms Doormat

I know St. Patrick's Day is all about the green, but this year I wanted to create some fun décor that added a little more color to this festive holiday.

If you can't tell already, this DIY doormat was inspired by the delicious and colorful marshmallows that make Lucky Charms cereal so... well, lucky! I've never made a doormat before but after seeing how easy it was to make this one, I think all of our doormats are going to be custom made by me from now on. I've already got ideas for future ones...and oh are there lots of possibilities...

To be honest, I don't have too many decorations for St. Patrick's Day so it wasn't hard for this doormat to make the top of my list as my favorite. Lucky Charms also has a new unicorn marshmallow in their mix now, and though I didn't add the shape to mine, I think it could be a fun idea to consider if you decide to give this DIY a try! And let's be real, if you do give this a try, your entry way will be the most magical one on the block✨

What You'll Need


Outdoor Craft Paint





Black Sharpie

How To

1) Draw each of the lucky charms marshmallow shapes onto some paper with your pencil. Be sure to eyeball how big you want to make the shapes so that they fit nicely across your mat.

2) Cut out your marshmallow sketches.

3) Lay the marshmallow cutouts across your mat and decide where you want each one to be placed. Then, outline each shape onto your mat with a sharpie. For the hat, rainbow, pot of gold, and shooting star, you will need to cut out the inner details and outline those onto the mat, too (for example, the clover that's inside of the hat).

3) Paint your marshmallows using the sharpie lines as guides and then let the doormat dry.

4) Place your mat outside and enjoy your new colorful décor!

If you give this DIY a try, be sure to share it with me on Instagram! Wishing you all a St. Patrick's Day that's pinch free and filled with all the rainbows!Doormat