DIY Pom Pom Easter Eggs

I don't know about you guys, but pom poms always just seem to make their way into my crafts - and trust me, I'm not complaining about it! These DIY Pom Pom Easter eggs are so charming and cute, I seriously can't even handle it. I'm so glad I used fake eggs to make these so that I can display them as decoration year after year.
What I also love about these eggs is that they are SUPER easy to make and all you need are a handful of supplies to make them. And because they are so easy, they make for a great last minute Easter craft, too!
Pom poms are just so versatile and their many sizes make for endless crafting opportunities. For these DIY Pom Pom Easter eggs, I used tiny 5mm pom poms to create my miniature springtime scenes. Those proved to be the perfect size for my tiny egg canvases.
I'm really pleased with how these eggs turned out and I'm so excited to display them on Easter Sunday! If you do give this DIY a try, feel free to get creative with your pom pom scenes but I do recommend creating images that are relatively simple because details will be hard to capture on the small eggs.
What You'll Need
Mini Pom Poms
Easter Eggs (use fake eggs if you want to keep these year after year)
Craft Paint
How To
1) Paint your eggs and let them dry.
2) With your glue, draw the shape of the image that you're trying to create onto the egg.
3) Place your pom poms on one by one until the glue is covered and you've created your desired image. Repeat until all of your eggs are decorated!
Happy Easter, everyone!